About me

Passionate about supporting  personal growth and transformation

I guide my clients along their personal journey of transformation, fostering their trust in their inner wisdom, encouraging them to develop a deep friendship with their body and mind, and helping them find greater well-being and joy to their lives.

Drawing from over two decades of dedicated personal practice and extensive study across diverse schools of yoga, mindfulness, and personal development, I blend various disciplines to provide holistic support. I have cultivated a profound understanding of ancient traditions and contemporary scientific insights. This integration has been instrumental in nurturing serenity, peace, and joy in my own life, and equips me to compassionately support my clients on their personal journeys.

My own transformative journey

My professional trajectory was ignited by a passion to serve communities beyond Europe. This led me to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics, followed by a Master of Philosophy in Social Psychology from the University of Cambridge. For over 15 years, I dedicated myself to international humanitarian work across diverse regions and organisations including UNESCO, the German and the Canadian Cooperation Service and for 12 Years the Jacobs Foundation. During this time, I had the privilege of connecting with individuals from varied cultures and backgrounds. It was a profound experience to assist NGO partners in creating tangible impact and guiding them towards measurable results. In 2018 I co-founded the NGO, Momento Swiss, which I serve as president and trainer.

Driven by a desire to be more directly involved in personal growth journeys, I transitioned into roles as a yoga and mindfulness teacher, holistic counselor, and coach. I am dedicated to empowering individuals in achieving greater mental, emotional and physical well-being, as well as discovering their higher purpose. 

Professionally, I hold certifications as a RYT® 500 yoga teacher and mindfulness teacher, obtained through esteemed programs including the Greater Good Science Center's Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) with mentors Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Furthermore, I have completed training in health coaching through the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and Healversity's Epigenetics Coaching Program. Currently, I am furthering my expertise with advanced studies in systemic counseling at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich. I've taken various courses in Yoga Nidra and breath work. To insprire my own practice I participate in one to two mindfulness retreats per year.

The deepest sources of my joy and my learning are my “live-in Zen masters” – my 10-year-old twins –, my supportive husband, my loving family, and the invaluable connections forged with inspiring friends and clients. Additionally, the serene landscapes of Switzerland's lakeside and the expansive horizons of Italy and Greece's oceans profoundly contribute to my experience of interbeing and loving awareness.