
Health Coaching and nutrient dense nutrition

Health Coaching

Physical wellbeing such as good sleep, high energy-levels and being free of pain are the foundation for live satisfaction.
Often small, simple changes in lifestyle are enough to set the course for long-term physical fitness and resilience. In my coaching I work with Functional Medicine Health Coaching  Techniques.
Coachings can take place in person in Küsnacht or online.
Investemnt: CHF  110-150 / 60 Min depending on income.

Principles of healhty eating

Are you often confused about what to eat? Paleo, vegan or keto diet? All modern dietary recommendations have more in common than you might think. They all agree: only eat "real food". In other words, food that you recognise as such and that was created by Mother Earth. Eat food that is as untreated as possible, preferably organic quality, to avoid pesticides, additives and hormones. Eat mainly plants - in all colours! Eat enough high quality proteins, whether of plant or animal origin. Don't drink liquid calories and avoid industrialised foods with more than 5 ingredients if possible. Especially if you don't know the ingredients.

The ideal plate

About half of your plate should consist of colourful, low-starchy vegetables such as lettuce, leafy greens, broccoli, tomatoes or peppers. A quarter of your plate should be made up of high-quality proteins and another quarter of starchy vegetables such as potatoes or carrots. You can confidently let go of the belief that fat is unhealthy and flavour your food generously with healthy fats such as olive oil, linseed oil or avocado oil. The idea that you need a "filling side dish" is also no longer state of the art. If you really like bread or pasta, enjoy them in bulk. Would you like to know exactly? Then you can find detailed information on the recommendations of the Functional Medicine nutrition plan here.