How can I accompany you on your journey towards a fulfilling, joyful life?

 Mindful, Solution focused & Ressource-orientedCounselling & Coaching in Küsnacht and online

Are you looking for support to

  • constructively master a transition phase, e.g. a career change, a separation, a return to work?
  • cope with a challenging life situation, such as a child with special needs, an illness or the illness of a family member?
  •  resolve a difficult relationship situation or conflict?
  • understand and dissolve limiting believes or behaviour patterns and develop more helpful new strategies?
  • develop more self-compassion and self-care in order to give other people or activities that are important to you your best and not just what is left of you?
  • deal more constructively with stress and to set your priorities proactively and consciously?
  • actively contribute to your health ?
  • live more in line with your values and needs?

Consultations and coaching sessions can take place either in person at my studio in Küsnacht or conveniently via Zoom

The Magic of Transformation

In life, we often encounter new challenges, both big and small. Sometimes we get what we don't want, or we don't get what we desperately desire. Frequently, we cling to the familiar, even if it no longer serves us or, worse, harms us, because it provides a sense of security and stable identity. At the same time, it's difficult for us to accept difficult moments in life or to be patient when our wishes remain unfulfilled. For most of us, facing changes and difficulties with equanimity and an open, unbiased heart isn't easy.

However, if we manage to find the courage - often requiring support - to approach our unpleasant and painful experiences with compassion and genuine interest, we can view challenges and transitions as opportunities to grow and evolve through our crises. In doing so, we come to realize that every change holds the miracle of renewal within it, and that all our joyful and sorrowful experiences shape us into the human beings we are. We can learn to cultivate an unconditional friendship with ourselves and increasingly find peace in our hearts, even amidst all the joys and sorrows that life brings us.

What is psychological counselling?

Psychological counselling and holistic coaching are solution- and resource-oriented approaches that help us to activate resources and define and pursue tangible goals. On the one hand, we gain insights into how our experiences have shaped us into the person we are today, why we think, feel and act the way we do. On the other hand, we identify existing resources and solutions that are already leading us in the desired direction. In this way, we can gently dissolve old patterns over time and consciously focus on more helpful and useful beliefs, strategies and behaviours.

Combined with mindfulness, this approach enables us to develop an authentic and compassionate interest in our own experiences. This also involves a fundamental trust in the inner wisdom and goodness of our heart and in our ability to overcome challenges constructively and, ideally, to grow from them.


Psychological Counselling/Coaching:
Introductory Session: CHF 100/60 Min
Furthee sessions: CHF 110-150 per 60 Min, depending on financial situation