Psychological Counselling, Mindfulness-Mentoring, Health Coaching & Yoga

on site in Küsnacht and Online.


I accompany people in their personal transformation process, drawing on my many years of experience as a mindfulness mentor, functional health coach, yoga teacher and psychological counselor. During our sessions, I integrate cutting-edge scientific insights and techniques for enhancing mental and physical well-being, along with the timeless wisdom of divers centuries-old spiritual traditions.
How may I assist you on your transformational journey towards achieving greater mental and physical wellness?"

My offerings

Psychological Counselling

With a holistic approach that combines the latest scientific findings with ancient wisdom, I support you to manage challenges constructively, understand your patterns and activate your inner healing potential.


Mindfulness is a key competency that is becoming increasingly important in our fast-paced world. I offer mindfulness mentoring, courses as well as programmes for companies on site and online.


Retreats allow us to delve deeper into a topic and initiate sustainable transformation processes.


Group courses, individual lessons, yoga in companies and institutions in German and English in Küsnacht, online and at your institution or company.


Health Coaching and support in introducing a nutrient dense nutrition


Constanze is a wonderful health
coach. She gently and compassionately held space for me to introduce some dietary and lifestyle changes - things that I really needed to do but just couldn’t find the motivation to do by myself. With Constanze’s help I was able to reduce my intake of inflammatory foods with the result that I not only felt healthier but happier too! Thank you, Constanze!" (Sara, 50, journalist and mum)

Constanze is guided me through working on some issues with supportive insight, short meditations, prompting questions and helpful "homework". I liked her no fuss approach and subtle sense of humour". (Mary, 50 teacher)

Constanze  has helped me in multiple situations to focus and make better choices in my private and professional life. She combines a deep understanding of techniques to tackle challenges and set right priorities with a unique sense for the individual. I can highly recommend her" (Alex, 42, Corporate Communications Expert)


free Recipes, Yoga Videos, Meditations
Yoga Videos

Welcome to my blog

Here you can find links to meditations, talks, yoga videos as well as articles about mindfulness, counseling and health.

Brücke der Trauer

»Da ist ein Land der Lebenden und ein Land der Toten, und die Brücke zwischen ihnen ist die Liebe - das einzig Bleibende, der einzige Sinn».

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Love Everyone!

Weisst Du, warum ich diese Arbeit mache? Wenn sich die Leute so authentisch zeigen und ihre Freuden und Sorgen teilen, kann man einfach nicht anderes, als sie lieb haben!

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